all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 4AE 1 1 52.507067 -0.70403
NN17 4AP 19 18 52.511101 -0.702248
NN17 4AQ 1 0 52.512136 -0.70226
NN17 4AR 12 12 52.509801 -0.702491
NN17 4AT 1 1 52.494758 -0.677966
NN17 4AU 14 9 52.509966 -0.693131
NN17 4AW 2 1 52.507091 -0.690829
NN17 4AX 17 16 52.507798 -0.691353
NN17 4AZ 14 13 52.507605 -0.693317
NN17 4DR 12 8 52.512232 -0.692283
NN17 4DS 6 6 52.512662 -0.691237
NN17 4DT 7 7 52.509828 -0.697732
NN17 4DU 15 9 52.508377 -0.699748
NN17 4ET 1 1 52.51355 -0.696795
NN17 4JL 5 5 52.506796 -0.686108
NN17 4JN 5 5 52.504173 -0.68536
NN17 4JW 18 16 52.50734 -0.684764
NN17 4LS 16 12 52.510162 -0.691268
NN17 4LT 6 4 52.504142 -0.682635
NN17 4NP 1 1 52.508321 -0.693812